
The description of this blog reads “Personal observations on games and gaming that have nothing to do with my professional opinion or position on the matter…” and that is exactly what it is intended to be. 

Bearing in mind that I write for a living — in addition to being a newspaper columnist, freelance writer, games journo, staff writer for a gaming news site, and professional video game guide and walkthrough writer, I also write on a number of other beats for a number of different types of publication outside of gaming, business and tech – and travel. 

The important point to understand is that I created this blog to be a place where I can comment upon and write about my personal impression of games that I play that has nothing to so with my professional notes, observations, impressions, previews, reviews, and all of that other stuff.  I have not placed a link to this blog on the webpage that presents my professional face to the world because it is highly personal and has nothing to so with that side of my life…  I really need to make that clear!

What you will find here is a combination of bitching, humor, anecdote, observation, and just plain silly — and that is as it should be.  In spite of the fact that I spend every working day writing for pay, I find that I need to have someplace that I can go where I can write for not-pay.  Where I can say what I am thinking.  Where I can be silly or sarcastic as the mood strikes, and where what I say cannot be held against my status as a professional.

So there you go — a WYSIWYG approach to gaming commentary.

Welcome to my new little corner of the web.